It completely turns your world upside down. Your life changes forever, your world-view shifts. Motherhood.
Adam at the pumpkin patch last month |
I believe the newborn period is like an "initiation" into motherhood. A crash course on not coming first. On caring for another's well-being more than your own.
For some moms it can be painful (ie: for me), because we were more selfish than we realized, and it can be hard giving up all of that "me time".
Matthew at the pumpkin patch |
But the rewards are amazing. Precious, wide-eyed, new humans discovering the world under our guidance and teaching. Cuddles, hugs, kisses, cries of "Mommy!" when they see us, or want us to watch them "show off" :) Giggles, sounds of little feet running through the house, watching them learn new words and new concepts. Seeing them interact with other people.
Adam giving us "the look" |
"Parenting"/correction kicks in almost as soon as our little ones learn to crawl, and for us, our 2 year olds are constantly testing their boundaries. It can be exhausting sometimes. I do wish moms wouldn't judge each other (or my personal pet peeve, when non-parents judge parents). What parents need is support and encouragement, not judgment. We may have different philosophies, but we are all doing our best, and learning a lot on the way.
Adam and Matthew with their Mario & Luigi sheets in their big boy bed. |
These little ones depend on us for all of their needs. It is humbling and amazing. I love being a mom to my two little stinkers :)
Well put. Caring for a delicate, helpless treasure is such an intense experience. I think pregnancy is also something of an initiation stage, the transformation and repossession of our bodies--and for parents who adopt, from what I understand that process also has a "letting go" or "loss of control" phase before the baby/child arrives.
Totally agree. All the troubles are gone when I see the angelic sleeping faces. :)
That is a good point. It can be alarming watching your body grow, and having no control over it. It is definitely part of the initiation :) I like what you said about adoption too.. I think that is an amazing thing!
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