I had a great Mother's Day! It was mainly due to the fact that my husband let me sleep in, and made me breakfast :) (I did feed the babies at 5:30am that day, but when they woke up for the day at 7, Alan took care of them & fixed breakfast!!)
We had both sets of grandparents over as well, and grilled hamburgers & sides.
The boys are almost 9 months now, and they are really becoming little boys.
Some of my favorite twin moments:
- When they spontaneously laugh at each other (This is more often Adam laughing at Matthew. Adam gets the giggles, it is too cute)
- When they wake up in the morning or after a nap, and I hear them "talking" to each other on the baby monitor. <3 Then I walk in, and they have always crawled so they are close to each other. (They are in separate cribs.)
- When they follow each other when crawling. If one finds something interesting, the other is right behind.
- When they are both crawling all over me, just trying to cuddle with me. My absolute favorite moments is when one (or both) crawls up to me, pulls up to standing, and just cuddles right into me and "kisses" me with their big open mouth on my cheek. Oh, I could just eat them up in those moments.
My not so favorite twin moments:
- When they both need attention, and I can only get to one.
- When they steal a toy from the other, and the offended brother gets upset.
- Overall, I am enjoying it :)
My 8 month must-have twin items:
- Twin nursing pillow (love My Breast Friend)
- Twin jogging stroller (So easy to push, and we have been going on daily morning jogs)
- Moby Wrap
- Umbrella Stroller (I've started taking them out with one in the Moby Wrap, and one in the Umbrella stroller.. it works out very well, especially when I'm by myself.)
Breastfeeding update:
- The babies are breastfeeding 4-5 times a day. They still LOVE it. Although, now when they are done, they are DONE. They will just pop right off the pillow (onto the futon I nurse on) and start playing). I do have to make sure that baby doesn't crawl right off the futon. They really have no survival instincts at this point.
Adam update:
- Adam crawled 5 days after Matthew, and quickly caught up to him. :)
- Also pulling up to standing, with some cruising.
- He got his first tooth on his bottom right. 3 weeks and 2 days after Matthew.
- He is such a sweetheart.
Matthew update:
- Loves pulling up to standing, some cruising.
- Still just one tooth on the bottom left (I thought it was interesting that they got different teeth first)
- Still our trouble maker. But he is so affectionate :)
An update on Momma:
- I am happier than I have been since the twins were born. I really think I was drifting away from God, and becoming selfish. I started feeling like everything revolved around me since I had newborn twins, and I became bitter when people let me down. I had to change my mindset to really be back to my old self. I got back into reading the Bible every day, and praying more. I am very thankful for the mercy God has had for me, that I have been (at least trying) to also extend to those around me. It is amazing how much happier you can be when you stop focusing on what others can do for you, and focus on how you can make others happier. (I'm not saying I'm doing this perfectly, but I'm trying)
Okay, now for a few pictures.

You're doing a great job!
Aww, thanks hubby <3
very nice job
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