- Adam & Matthew are napping together consistently... and not in my arms! Woohoo! I Can actually get stuff done :)
- The boys are now eating every 3 hours, occasionally going 3.5-4 hours.
- I read the book Babywise a couple weeks ago, and I have been using a lot of their suggestions. It has helped us a TON! I was so stressed and worn out trying to make sure the babies never cried (which didn't work anyway). They cry way less now that they are on a schedule (eat, play, nap, repeat) & I let them cry for a few minutes as they fall asleep. They also fall asleep faster, and they don't have to be held or rocked in a bouncy chair for 20 minutes or more. They are almost always asleep within 10 minutes. We are all a lot happier. (The babies get more rest, so they cry less & are happy/smile more). It has been so nice.
- The boys are sleeping longer at night, but still waking up every 3.5 - 4.5 hours. But they almost always go right back to sleep, so I have been getting MUCH better rest. (Almost starting to feel human again :P) They sometimes think morning is 4 or 5am though, and Mommy is not ok with that. ;)
- I am no longer swaddling the boys! My experience as a NICU nurse is officially moot for my "elderly babies" as I call them. :p
- I went back to work for the first time on Thanksgiving. It was hard to leave the boys, but they couldn't have been better taken care of. Their dad, both sets of grandparents and all of their aunts/uncles were here. (We had Thanksgiving at our house, but I didn't have to cook anything).
- I will probably only work a couple shifts a month since I am the first to be canceled when we are slow.
- The babies were fed pumped breastmilk while I was gone. 4 0z each every 3 hours. And I was able to pump enough at work so my net freezer supply only decreased by 8 oz. Not bad for a busy 12 hour shift. :)
- I have almost 100 ozs of pumped milk in the freezer now, so I am feeling better about using my milk for other things. In fact, tonight Alan and I are planning a date night while my parents watch the babies! This will be our first extended break from the babies together :) I am excited. We are doing dinner & a movie :)
- I am going to post Thanksgiving pics of the babies when I get a chance.
- Hope everone had a great Thankgiving weekend!
2 weeks ago