Wednesday, June 25, 2014


This is the first year I've really been excited about our garden. Alan starts our garden every year, and every year I tell him I don't want one. (Because of the work involved!) This year though, the boys are really old enough to learn and understand the purpose of the garden, and (more importantly) to weed and water it. We make it an activity several times a week, sometimes during Olivia's nap time, and sometimes she crawls around and we have to stop her from picking the green tomatoes.

We have: (in bold are the plants producing the most)

1st Square Foot Garden
  • 2 HUGE tomato plants 
  • 5 Zucchini plants
  • Green Ontions
  • 2 small watermelon plants
2nd Square Foot Garden
  • Red leaf lettuce
  • Green lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers (I think - they grew from the compost and we kept a few)
  • Cilantro
  • Strawberries
  • Corn
  • 2 Peach Trees
  • 1 Apple Tree
  • 2 Blackberry bushes

The tomato plants are our stars right now. For the past week we have had 1 to 2 tomatoes getting ripe daily, and the boys are loving them:

The Zucchini plants are finally producing some good sized veggies for us! We have picked one big one so far, and cooked it for dinner.

The lettuce we planted later in the season, but it's coming along!

We've gotten around 15 strawberries, and our plants keep growing!

There's 1 to 2 corn on every stalk. I am not very good about knowing when to pick these. I've picked 3 and they have seemed just not quite ripe enough, so I'm letting these hang out longer. They are starting to blow around from the storms we've been having.

These 2 peach trees are pretty new and came with peaches on them. One tree is growing nicely, the other seems to be dying :(

We have been having fun with our gardening hobby. It gives me something to work on while the kiddos play outside. (They play really well when I am out there too, even if I am working on something else.)  Lately I have pruned the apple tree and the tomato plants, and trimmed the zucchini plants so they grow up instead of sideways (taking up less space!) We have had TONS of rain lately, helping out our garden a lot!

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