Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Time is Flying

Today is May 1st. The first day of the last month before my "due month." This pregnancy has gone SO much faster than my twin pregnancy. Not because the twin pregnancy was hard, but because I am so busy this time. Busy chasing these two adorable, energetic, trying, silly toddler boys:

 Busy trying to cook healthy meals for our family of 4 (and 1/2.. can't forget my extra food for Olivia!) Busy cleaning up after them, doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming. Busy responding to two 2 year olds who need their mommy to "watch this," "kiss it" (when they have "owies") and really just pay attention to them and take them to the park, the zoo, the library.
I love my family!

Busy working my one 12 hour shift a week in the NICU. The actual shift is not bad, but it is taking me longer and longer the next day to recover from it, without being able to sleep in and now being 34 weeks pregnant. Monday, after I worked, I was soo tired and I was letting the boys watch TV. My dad sent me a message that he was working from home that day, and I quickly told him he was welcome to play with my boys :) They love their Papa!

Busy getting Olivia's nursery ready. We are almost completely done now. Here is the diaper changing station. It has both a cloth diaper and disposable diaper trash. The hair accessory area is filling up :)
 Extra storage area for diaper supplies, etc. It isn't quite set up:

 12 Smartipants cloth diapers I recently ordered. Woohoo!

32 Weeks pregnant

33 Weeks Pregnant
Busy making sure the boys get lots of bubble baths!

 Busy snuggling with my family! :) (I love this picture! This is Adam with his Daddy)


  1. Gosh, I feel the same ways. Time flies with little ones. Your boys are adorable. Good work mama :)

  2. Hi Taste Made,

    My name is Paola Cáceres, I work for E3 English the English learning community based on interests.

    We stumbled into your blog and our team simply loves what you are doing.

    We post daily words on our E3 English community to help students learn new vocabulary with engaging material. We would like to use some of your work and also have a written interview on your work for the E3 English blog before May 12.

    We are hopping to show our community how is your life beeing a Mommy and a Nurce.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

    Hope to hear from you soon,


    Paola Cáceres Omaña
    Communications & Key Account

  3. Just received a check for over $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself getting paid $500 for doing paid surveys.
