Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Mother's Day/ Cloth Diapers

On Mother's Day this year, I was scheduled to work, and was very bummed about it. Alan had fun plan to take the boys to breakfast with his whole family and then the zoo. I love taking the boys, and I've been doing it less often because of the third trimester pregnancy fatigue.
That brings us to Mother's Day morning. I dragged myself out of bed at 5:05am, then checked my phone (charging next to our sink). Missed call & voicemail from work! They put me "on call".... so unexpected! Thank you interns at work that made this possible :) I tried really, really hard to go back to sleep, but at 5:40am I decided to do some dishes, laundry, and pack for the zoo. So no sleeping in this year, but at least I got to spend it with my family!
We took Superman (Matthew) and Batman (Adam) to the zoo. Capes and all.

The two moms of the group (me and Alan's mom) with the kiddos.

Adam & Matthew are so excited about babies. Here they are hugging a baby gorilla statue.

Superman cuddling with his mommy while sipping his milk. Even Superman needs some TLC :)

Feeding the giraffes with Daddy.

35 Week pregnant belly. (I am 36 weeks today)

And my Mother's Day present came today! Happy Mother's Day to me!! Alan gave me money to spend on cloth diapers. This is huge. Alan is actually very anti cloth diapers, so I have had a hard time buying all the supplies I need. With my "allowance" I bought:

  • 2 Size 2 Thirsties Duo Wrap Covers
  • 2 Sustainablebabyish One Size Snapless Fitted Cloth Diapers, Bamboo/Cotton (fits 10-35 lbs) These come with 2 bamboo/cotton inserts each.
  • 2 toddler size Snappis
  • 200 flushable liners

The covers and fitted diapers are for night time use. I wanted bamboo for night time, but didn't want to have to buy one of every size (they are not cheap). I finally found these one size bamboo fitted diapers... they are so versatile because they don't have snaps at all.. you secure them with the snappis and cover (or pins, but I am not brave enough to use pins). I plan to use them for the boys overnight until they potty train at night, which I am hoping will coincide with when Olivia grows into them/needs them. The flushable liners can be washed and reused until they are soiled, which is awesome.

I really think we are set on our cloth diaper supply now! In addition to these supplies We have:

  • 3 Newborn Covers & plenty of newborn prefolds (all borrowed from my sister-in-law) to get us through day & night during the first 3 months
  • 15 One Size Smartipants Pocket Diapers (for day time use (or night if she is still waking up frequently) for 3 mos-potty training)
  • Cloth Wipes/Spray bottles
  • 1 huge wet bag (gift from my sister-in-law :P)
  • 2 travel wet bags

Excited for Olivia to get here!!

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