Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reactions to Twin News

We had video rolling as I received the news in April, 2010 that we were having twins. Here is the video:

That night we invited the grandparents over to share the news with them:


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! This is almost exactly what happened at our ultrasound when we found out we were having twins at 18 weeks. The first u/s showed only one baby. My reaction was just like yours, I kept saying "You're joking! Are you serious?!" haha and I had my hands on my forehead for the rest of the scan! But we didn't have the video so it was so nice to watch yours! :)
    I refer to this time as the moment that changed our lives forever!
    I love your blog. Your boys are beautiful!

  2. I actually had tears well up in my eyes watching this, and remembering what that felt like! It's so funny how the technician just keeps talking all practical and nonchalant, while I KNOW you are bugging out inside and probably not really hearing anything she is saying--at least that's what happened with me. I was seriously in shock and I found out early on at around 13 weeks.
