Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 Month Update

They boys getting blessed at church.

Now that we are settling into more of a routine, and some of the sleep deprivation has gotten better, I am realizing more and more how blessed I am to have two healthy baby boys. The delivery was as good as I could have hoped for, and the boys are doing great.

Here is a quick update of Adam & Matthew at 2 months old. I am grouping them together for now.. they are both maturing at about the same rate so far:
  • They have been smiling for a few weeks now. I LOVE this, and can't wait to see it more and more.
  • Both are starting to make cooing noises. This is a lot of fun... it's really neat seeing them mature beyond the newborn phase.
  • They are great at holding up their own head. Occasionally they still need some support.
  • During tummy time they can both push up with their arms and hold up their head. (Though hey are not a big fan of tummy time)
  • As of two nights ago, they are FINALLY starting to sleep longer at night. Last night Adam slept from 8:00pm to 12:45am. That's almost 5 hours! Matthew slept from 8:30 to 12:45. Then they slept until 4:30am and started eating every 2 hours again. Definitely a step up from feeding at 8,10,12,2,4, etc
  • They both love getting baths now, so I love giving them! For the first several weeks they were not a fan of their baths.
  • I will post their weights when we go to the doctor later this week. They are definitely getting bigger though!

We have started going out more on our own. I took them to a park in Fort Worth to meet some work friends, and I took the two of them to the grocery store by myself for the first time last week. I put Matthew in the cart (in his carseat) and held Adam in the Moby Wrap. I definitely need more practice with the Moby Wrap, because every time I looked he had slid further down!

Also last week at church the boys were blessed. :) (See above picture)

Overall, I am enjoying my two little men :)

*** Update for weight/height.

At their one month check up on 10/22:

Adam -- 9 lbs 12 ozs. 22 in. 10th %

Matthew -- 9 lbs 11 ozs. 22 in. 10th %

They are getting close to doubling their weight!!


  1. awwww how wonderful that they are sleeping longer! we have been praying for you guys. i love the pic of them getting blessed, you sure have a beautiful family Krystal!

  2. Awwwww, it sounds like they are doing remarkably well!! None of my kids were huge fans of tummy time was like a necessary evil though!

    Good to hear about them sleeping, 5 hours straight for a 8-week old babies is wonderful!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!! We moms of twins need to stick together!

  3. Thank you for stopping by Helene! Of course the night after I wrote this post the boys forgot they knew how to sleep longer and have started waking up every two hours again.. But at least now I know they can do it lol.
